►NCatch | |
►NDetail | |
CApprox | |
CEnumInfo | |
CIsStreamInsertable | |
►Ndetail | |
Cis_range_impl | |
Cis_range_impl< T, typename void_type< decltype(begin(std::declval< T >()))>::type > | |
Cvoid_type | |
►NGenerators | |
Cas | |
CChunkGenerator | |
CFilterGenerator | |
CFixedValuesGenerator | |
CGenerators | |
CGeneratorUntypedBase | |
CGeneratorWrapper | |
CIGenerator | |
CIteratorGenerator | |
CMapGenerator | |
CRandomFloatingGenerator | |
CRandomIntegerGenerator | |
CRangeGenerator | |
CRepeatGenerator | |
CSingleValueGenerator | |
CTakeGenerator | |
►NMatchers | |
►NException | |
CExceptionMessageMatcher | |
►NFloating | |
CWithinAbsMatcher | |
CWithinRelMatcher | |
CWithinUlpsMatcher | |
►NGeneric | |
CPredicateMatcher | |
►NImpl | |
CMatchAllOf | |
CMatchAnyOf | |
CMatcherBase | |
CMatcherMethod | |
CMatcherUntypedBase | |
CMatchNotOf | |
►NStdString | |
CCasedString | |
CContainsMatcher | |
CEndsWithMatcher | |
CEqualsMatcher | |
CRegexMatcher | |
CStartsWithMatcher | |
CStringMatcherBase | |
►NVector | |
CApproxMatcher | |
CContainsElementMatcher | |
CContainsMatcher | |
CEqualsMatcher | |
CUnorderedEqualsMatcher | |
Calways_false | |
CAssertionHandler | |
CAssertionInfo | |
CAssertionReaction | |
CAutoReg | |
CBinaryExpr | |
CCapturer | |
CCaseSensitive | |
CCounts | |
CDecomposer | |
CExceptionTranslatorRegistrar | |
CExprLhs | |
CGeneratorException | |
CIConfig | |
CIContext | |
CIExceptionTranslator | |
CIExceptionTranslatorRegistry | |
CIGeneratorTracker | |
CIMutableContext | |
CIMutableEnumValuesRegistry | |
CIMutableRegistryHub | |
CIRegistryHub | |
CIResultCapture | |
CIRunner | |
Cis_callable | |
Cis_callable< Fun(Args...)> | |
Cis_callable_tester | |
Cis_range | |
CIStream | |
CITestCaseRegistry | |
CITestInvoker | |
CITransientExpression | |
CLazyExpression | |
CMatchExpr | |
CMessageBuilder | |
CMessageInfo | |
CMessageStream | |
CNameAndTags | |
CNonCopyable | |
COption | |
Cpluralise | |
CRegistrarForTagAliases | |
CResultDisposition | |
CResultWas | |
CReusableStringStream | |
CRunTests | |
CScopedMessage | |
CSection | |
CSectionEndInfo | |
CSectionInfo | |
CShowDurations | |
CSimplePcg32 | |
CSourceLineInfo | |
CStreamEndStop | |
CStringMaker | |
CStringMaker< bool > | |
CStringMaker< Catch::Detail::Approx > | |
CStringMaker< char * > | |
CStringMaker< char > | |
CStringMaker< char const * > | |
CStringMaker< char[SZ]> | |
CStringMaker< double > | |
CStringMaker< float > | |
CStringMaker< int > | |
CStringMaker< long > | |
CStringMaker< long long > | |
CStringMaker< R C::* > | |
CStringMaker< R, typename std::enable_if< is_range< R >::value &&!::Catch::Detail::IsStreamInsertable< R >::value >::type > | |
CStringMaker< signed char > | |
CStringMaker< signed char[SZ]> | |
CStringMaker< std::nullptr_t > | |
CStringMaker< std::string > | |
CStringMaker< std::wstring > | |
CStringMaker< T * > | |
CStringMaker< T[SZ]> | |
CStringMaker< unsigned char > | |
CStringMaker< unsigned char[SZ]> | |
CStringMaker< unsigned int > | |
CStringMaker< unsigned long > | |
CStringMaker< unsigned long long > | |
CStringMaker< wchar_t * > | |
CStringMaker< wchar_t const * > | |
CStringRef | |
CTestCase | |
CTestCaseInfo | |
CTestFailureException | |
CTestInvokerAsMethod | |
CTimer | |
CTotals | |
Ctrue_given | |
CUnaryExpr | |
CUseColour | |
CWaitForKeypress | |
CWarnAbout | |
►Nkblib | The main namespace in which all entities from kblib are defined |
►Ndetail | The namespace used for implementation details within kblib |
Capply_impl | |
Carithmetic_type | Filter only arithmetic types |
Carithmetic_type< T, true > | Filter only arithmetic types |
Cbuildiota_impl | |
Cbuildiota_impl< Array, false > | |
Cbuildiota_impl< construct_with_size< Container, N >, false > | |
Cbuildiota_impl< Container, true > | |
Cfilter_signed | |
Cfilter_signed< N, true > | |
Cfilter_unsigned | |
Cfilter_unsigned< N, true > | |
►Cnext_larger_signed | |
Cfalse_compare | |
Cno_dangle | |
Cno_dangle< T && > | |
Cnode | |
Cpointer | |
Cpointer< D, T, void_t< typename D::pointer > > | |
Cstr_type | Converts types to strings |
Cstr_type< char, char > | Override for char to avoid conversion to integer |
Cstr_type< char16_t, char16_t > | Override for char16_t to avoid conversion to integer |
Cstr_type< char32_t, char32_t > | Override for char32_t to avoid conversion to integer |
Cstr_type< T, void > | Performs a natural conversion to a stringlike type |
Cstr_type< wchar_t, wchar_t > | Override for wchar_t to avoid conversion to integer |
Ctag | |
Ctuple_type | Given a std::variant T, provides the member type which is a tuple of the same types |
Ctuple_type< std::variant< Ts... > > | Given a std::variant T, provides the member type which is a tuple of the same types |
Ctype_list | |
Ctype_map | |
Ctype_map_el | |
Cvalue | |
Cvalues | |
Cvalues< std::index_sequence< Idxs... >, Ts... > | |
►Ndetail_bits | |
Carray_filter | |
Carray_filter2 | |
Carray_filter2< T[], S > | |
Carray_filter2< T[N], S > | |
Carray_filter< T[]> | |
Carray_filter< T[N]> | |
Carray_pun_proxy | |
Cbitfield_proxy | A proxy reference type for BITFIELD-declared bitfields |
Cpun_el | |
Cpun_el< P, Type[], S, I, true > | |
Cpun_el< P, Type[S], S, I, true > | |
Cpun_proxy | |
Cpunner_impl | |
Cpunner_impl< S, std::index_sequence< Is... >, Types... > | |
Ctrie_node | |
►Ndetail_cry | |
Cvalue_and_index_base | |
Cvalue_and_index_base< Range, std::enable_if_t< not std::is_reference_v< Range > > > | |
►Cvalue_and_index_impl | |
Citerator | |
Cvalue_index_pair | |
►Ndetail_direct_map | |
Cstorage_for | |
Cstorage_for< T, true > | |
►Ndetail_enumerate | |
Cforce_copy_tag | |
►Ndetail_io | |
Cbasic_teestreambuf | |
►Ndetail_iterators | |
Cis_addable | |
Cis_addable< T, U, void_t< decltype(std::declval< T & >()+std::declval< U & >())> > | |
►Ndetail_memory | |
Cas_base_class | |
Cas_base_class< R(&)(A) noexcept(E), false, false > | |
Cas_base_class< T &, false, true > | |
Cas_base_class< T, false, true > | |
Cas_base_class< T, true, true > | |
Cfilter_deleter_pointer | |
Cfilter_deleter_pointer< D, T, void_t< typename D::pointer > > | |
Clive_ptr_base | |
Cnoop_t | |
Con_destroy | |
Crule_zero | |
Ctemplate_param | |
Ctemplate_param< C< T > > | |
Cvalue_init | |
►Ndetail_poly | Implementation details for poly_obj |
Cconstruct_conditional | |
Cconstruct_conditional< construct_type::both > | |
Cconstruct_conditional< construct_type::both_throw > | |
Cconstruct_conditional< construct_type::copy_only > | |
Cconstruct_conditional< construct_type::move > | |
Cconstruct_conditional< construct_type::none > | |
Cconstruct_conditional< construct_type::throw_move > | |
Cerased_construct | |
Cerased_hash_t | |
Cerased_hash_t< T, void_t< fakestd::invoke_result_t< std::hash< T >, T > > > | |
Cextract_derived_size | |
Cextract_derived_size< T, void_if_t<(T::max_derived_size > sizeof(T))> > | |
Ckblib_erased_hash_t | |
Ckblib_erased_hash_t< T, void_t< fakestd::invoke_result_t< std::hash< T >, T > > > | |
►Ndetail_simple | |
Csimple_range | |
►Ndetail_sort | |
Csort_transform_impl | Sort data after applying an arbitrary transformation to it. The primary template handles the general case of arbitrary transformation and arbitrary compare predicate |
Csort_transform_impl< RandomAccessIt, UnaryOperation, BinaryPredicate, SortKey, small_size, true, false, false, false > | Sort implementation for pointer to member object of non-fundamental type, so sort keys are constant time to extract (this is most similar to a general sort()) |
Csort_transform_impl< RandomAccessIt, UnaryOperation, std::greater< LessT >, SortKey, small_size, M, false, true, false > | Sort implementation for key of radix sortable type type with reverse sorting |
Csort_transform_impl< RandomAccessIt, UnaryOperation, std::greater< LessT >, SortKey, small_size, true, true, false, false > | Sort implementation for pointer to member object of fundamental non-integral type with reverse sorting, so sort keys are constant time to extract and compare |
Csort_transform_impl< RandomAccessIt, UnaryOperation, std::greater< LessT >, SortKey, small_size, true, true, true, true > | Sort implementation for pointer to member object of integral type with reverse sorting, so we can do radix sort |
Csort_transform_impl< RandomAccessIt, UnaryOperation, std::less< LessT >, SortKey, small_size, M, false, true, false > | Sort implementation for key of radix sortable type type with default sorting |
Csort_transform_impl< RandomAccessIt, UnaryOperation, std::less< LessT >, SortKey, small_size, true, true, false, false > | Sort implementation for pointer to member object of fundamental non-integral type with default sorting, so sort keys are constant time to extract and compare |
Csort_transform_impl< RandomAccessIt, UnaryOperation, std::less< LessT >, SortKey, small_size, true, true, true, true > | Sort implementation for pointer to member object of integral type with default sorting, so we can do radix sort |
►Ndetail_units | |
Cis_si_ratio | |
Cis_si_ratio< std::atto > | |
Cis_si_ratio< std::centi > | |
Cis_si_ratio< std::deca > | |
Cis_si_ratio< std::deci > | |
Cis_si_ratio< std::exa > | |
Cis_si_ratio< std::femto > | |
Cis_si_ratio< std::giga > | |
Cis_si_ratio< std::hecto > | |
Cis_si_ratio< std::kilo > | |
Cis_si_ratio< std::mega > | |
Cis_si_ratio< std::micro > | |
Cis_si_ratio< std::milli > | |
Cis_si_ratio< std::nano > | |
Cis_si_ratio< std::peta > | |
Cis_si_ratio< std::pico > | |
Cis_si_ratio< std::ratio< 1 > > | |
Cis_si_ratio< std::tera > | |
Cnearest_ratio | |
Cprefix | |
Cunit_conversion | |
►Nfakestd | A namespace which holds all the C++14 implementations of C++17 standard library features. In C++17, it is simply defined as an alias to std |
►Ndetail | Implementation details for kblib::fakestd features |
Cinvokable_r | |
Cinvoke_of | |
Cinvoke_result | |
Cinvoke_result< decltype(void(invoke(std::declval< F >(), std::declval< Args >()...))), F, Args... > | |
Cis_referenceable | |
Cis_referenceable_impl | |
Cnat | |
Cnot_fn_t | |
Cnothrow_invokable_r_imp | |
Cnothrow_invokable_r_imp< true, false, Ret, Fp, Args... > | |
Cnothrow_invokable_r_imp< true, true, Ret, Fp, Args... > | |
Cnothrow_swappable_with | |
Cnothrow_swappable_with< Tp, Up, false > | |
Cswappable_with | |
Cswappable_with< Tp, Up, false > | |
Ctwo | |
Cin_place_t | |
Cinvoke_result | |
Cis_invocable | |
Cis_invocable_r | |
Cis_nothrow_invocable | |
Cis_nothrow_invocable_r | |
Cis_nothrow_swappable | |
Cis_nothrow_swappable_with | |
Cis_swappable | |
Cis_swappable_with | |
Cmake_void | |
►Nfnv | |
Cfnv_offset | The starting value for the FNVa hash algorithm, as a type trait |
Cfnv_offset< std::uint32_t > | |
Cfnv_offset< std::uint64_t > | |
Cfnv_prime | The prime to use for the FNVa hash algorithm, as a type trait |
Cfnv_prime< std::uint32_t > | |
Cfnv_prime< std::uint64_t > | |
►Nmulti_impl | |
Cmulspan_iterator | |
►Nnums | |
Cmax_t | Shorthand for std::numeric_limits::max() |
Cmin_t | Shorthand for std::numeric_limits::min() |
Cadjacent_iterator | TODO(killerbee13): Implement adjacent_iterator |
Cadjuster | |
Cback_insert_iterator_F | An OutputIterator that transforms the values assigned to it before inserting them into the back of a container |
Cbasic_teestream | |
Cbitfield | Implements a bitfield abstraction. May be used in a union with other bitfields |
Cbuild_end_t | |
Cbuild_iterator | |
Cbuild_iterator< Container, true > | |
Cclass_of | |
Cclass_of< M T::* > | |
Cclone_copy | Implements copy construction using a virtual clone method. This type is provided mostly as an example |
►Ccompact_bit_trie | |
Citerator_t | |
Ckey_type | |
Ccond_ptr | |
Ccond_ptr< T[], Deleter > | |
Cconstant | |
Cconstruct_with_capacity | |
Cconstruct_with_size | |
Cconsume_iterator | An OutputIterator that simply calls a provided functor for each value assigned to it |
Ccontaining_ptr | A smart pointer to an object contained inside the smart pointer object |
Ccontains_type | Determines if T is a type in Tuple, which must be a std::tuple |
Ccontains_type< std::tuple< T, Ts... >, T > | |
Ccontains_type< std::tuple< T, Ts... >, U > | |
Ccontains_type< std::tuple<>, T > | |
Ccontains_types | Determines if Lhs contains all of the types in Rhs, where both are std::tuples |
Ccontains_types< Tuple, std::tuple< T, Ts... > > | |
Ccontains_types< Tuple, std::tuple<> > | |
Ccopy_const | |
Ccopy_const< C, T &&, true > | |
Ccopy_const< C, T &, true > | |
Ccopy_const< C, T, true > | |
►Ccounting_back_insert_iterator | Like a std::back_insert_iterator, but it keeps track of how many insertions it has made, allowing an end iterator to be created |
Cproxy_iterator | |
Cdecrementer | A struct which decrements anything it is added to. Suitable for use as a Delta type for range_t |
Cdefault_copy | Implements type erasure for copy construction |
Cdefault_copy< Obj, false > | |
Cdefault_destroy | Uses the class's virtual destructor |
Cdefault_extract | |
Cdefault_extract< Key, void_if_t< is_linear_container_v< Key > > > | |
Cdefault_extract< KeyElem[], void_if_t< std::is_integral_v< KeyElem > > > | |
Cdefault_move | Implements type erasure for move construction |
Cdefault_move< Obj, false, nothrow, false > | |
Cdefault_move< Obj, false, nothrow, true > | |
Cdelayed_construct | |
Cdirect_map | |
Cdirect_map< Key, T, void > | |
Cenumerate_iterator | |
Cenumerate_t | |
Cenumerate_t< Range, void > | |
Cenumeration | |
Cenumerator_iterator | |
Cenumerator_t | |
Cenumerator_t< Range, void > | |
Cequivalent | A function object implementing the equivalence relationship over a comparison predicate |
Cequivalent< Compare, void > | |
Cequivalent< void, Obj > | |
Cequivalent< void, void > | |
Cexists | |
Cexists_t | |
Cextractor_policy_for | |
Cextractor_policy_for< Container, void_t< decltype(std::declval< Container >()[0])> > | |
Cfile_deleter | |
Cfirst_bigger_than | |
Cfirst_bigger_than< size, T > | |
CFNV_hash | The primary template has to exist, but not be constructible, in order to be compatible with std::hash |
CFNV_hash< bool, HashInt, void > | Hasher for bool |
CFNV_hash< char, HashInt, void > | Hasher for char |
CFNV_hash< Container, HashInt, void_if_t< value_detected< Container >::value and is_hashable_v< value_detected_t< Container > > and not hash_detected< Container >::value and is_iterable< Container >::value and not(is_contiguous< Container >::value and is_trivially_hashable_v< typename Container::value_type >) and not is_iterator_v< Container > > > | Container hasher, for non-trivial elements (or non-contiguous storage) |
CFNV_hash< Container, HashInt, void_if_t<(is_contiguous_v< Container > and is_trivially_hashable_v< typename Container::value_type >)> > | Container hasher, for contiguously-stored trivial elements |
CFNV_hash< delayed_construct< T >, void > | |
CFNV_hash< signed char, HashInt, void > | Hasher for signed char |
CFNV_hash< std::optional< T >, HashInt, void > | |
CFNV_hash< std::variant< Ts... >, HashInt, void_if_t< detail_hash::all_hashable< std::tuple< Ts... > >()> > | |
CFNV_hash< T, HashInt, void_if_t< not is_contiguous_v< T > and not std::is_integral< T >::value and not std::is_pointer< T >::value and is_trivially_hashable_v< T > > > | Hasher for any non-integral trivially copyable type that has no padding |
CFNV_hash< T, HashInt, void_if_t< std::is_empty< T >::value > > | An empty type is treated as if it were a single null byte |
CFNV_hash< T, HashInt, void_if_t< std::is_integral< T >::value and is_trivially_hashable_v< T > > > | Hasher for any integral type without padding type not explicitly mentioned above |
CFNV_hash< T, HashInt, void_if_t< std::is_pointer< T >::value > > | Hasher for any pointer type |
CFNV_hash< T, HashInt, void_if_t<(std::is_base_of< std::forward_iterator_tag, typename std::iterator_traits< T >::iterator_category >::value and not std::is_pointer< T >::value and not is_trivially_hashable_v< T > and std::is_pointer< typename fakestd::invoke_result< decltype(&T::operator->), T >::type >::value)> > | Hasher for any forward iterator type |
CFNV_hash< Tuple, HashInt, void_if_t< detail_hash::all_hashable< Tuple >() and not is_trivially_hashable_v< Tuple > and(std::tuple_size< Tuple >::value > 0u) and not is_linear_container_v< Tuple > > > | Tuple-like (but not array-like) type hasher |
CFNV_hash< unsigned char, HashInt, void > | Hasher for unsigned char |
CFNV_hash< void, HashInt, void > | Transparent hasher for any hashable type |
Cget_manip | A helper class for wrapping stream manipulators |
Chas_member_swap | |
Chas_reserve | True if and only if C contains an accessible reserve() member |
Chash_detected | |
Chash_detected< T, void_t< typename T::hasher > > | |
Cheap_value | |
Cheap_value2 | |
Cheap_value2< T[], D > | |
Cidentity | The identity function, as a function object |
Cignore | Ignores its first template argument entirely, and returns its second |
Cimplies | A metafunction for logical implication. That is, if A, then B. If not A, B is unimportant |
Cimplies< true, false > | Logical implication is only not satisfied by true -> false |
Cin_place_agg_t | |
Cincrementer | A struct which increments anything it is added to. Suitable for use as a Delta type for range_t |
Cindexer_extractor | |
Cindirect_range | Allow range-for iteration of an iterator pair |
Cintrusive_dual_map | |
Cintrusive_hash_map | |
Cirange_t | |
Cis_aliasing_type | |
Cis_aliasing_type< char > | |
Cis_aliasing_type< unsigned char > | |
Cis_bidirectional_iterator | |
Cis_bidirectional_iterator< T, void_if_t< std::is_base_of< std::bidirectional_iterator_tag, typename std::iterator_traits< T >::iterator_category >::value > > | |
Cis_bounded_array | |
Cis_bounded_array< T[N]> | |
Cis_callable | |
Cis_character | Determine if the given type, ignoring const or reference qualifiers, is a character type |
Cis_contiguous | |
Cis_forward_iterator | |
Cis_forward_iterator< T, void_if_t< std::is_base_of< std::forward_iterator_tag, typename std::iterator_traits< T >::iterator_category >::value > > | |
Cis_hashable | |
Cis_hashable< Key, void_if_t< std::is_constructible< FNV_hash< Key > >::value > > | |
Cis_input_iterator | |
Cis_input_iterator< T, void_if_t< std::is_base_of< std::input_iterator_tag, typename std::iterator_traits< T >::iterator_category >::value > > | |
Cis_iterable | |
Cis_iterable< Range, void_if_t< is_input_iterator< decltype(begin(std::declval< Range & >()))>::value > > | |
Cis_iterable< T(&)[N], void > | |
Cis_iterable< T[N], void > | |
Cis_iterator | |
Cis_iterator< T, void_t< decltype(*std::declval< T & >(), void(),++std::declval< T & >())> > | |
Cis_linear_container | |
Cis_optional | |
Cis_optional< std::optional< U > > | |
Cis_output_iterator_for | Determine if T is a valid output iterator to which values of type E may be written |
Cis_output_iterator_for< T, E, void_t< decltype(*std::declval< T & >()++=std::declval< const E & >())> > | |
Cis_radix_sortable | |
Cis_radix_sortable< std::bitset< B >, void > | |
Cis_radix_sortable< T, void_if_t< is_linear_container_v< T > and std::is_integral< typename T::value_type >::value > > | |
Cis_radix_sortable< T, void_if_t< std::is_enum< T >::value > > | |
Cis_radix_sortable< T, void_if_t< std::is_integral< T >::value > > | |
Cis_random_access_iterator | |
Cis_random_access_iterator< T, void_if_t< std::is_base_of< std::random_access_iterator_tag, typename std::iterator_traits< T >::iterator_category >::value > > | |
Cis_resizable | |
Cis_space | |
Cis_trivial_transformation | |
Cis_trivial_transformation< identity > | |
Cis_trivially_hashable | |
Cis_tuple_like | |
Cis_tuple_like< T, void_t< typename std::tuple_element< 0, T >::type > > | |
Cis_unbounded_array | |
Cis_unbounded_array< T[]> | |
Cis_variant_like | |
Citerator_extractor | |
Citerator_type_for | Type trait that determines the iterator type for a range |
Citerator_type_for< Range, void_t< decltype(begin(std::declval< Range & >()))> > | |
Citerator_type_for< T[N], void > | |
Ckey_detected | |
Ckey_detected< T, void_t< typename T::key_type > > | |
Ckey_type_setlike | |
Ckey_type_setlike< Container, true, false > | |
Clexical_caster | |
Clexical_caster< Same, Same > | |
Clexical_caster< std::string, From > | |
Clexical_caster< std::string, std::string > | |
Clexical_caster< std::string_view, From > | |
Clexical_caster< std::string_view, std::string > | |
Clexical_caster< std::string_view, std::string_view > | |
Clexical_caster< To, std::string > | |
Clexical_caster< To, std::string_view > | |
Clist_as_tuple | |
Clist_as_tuple< Tuple< Ts... > > | |
Clive_ptr | |
Clive_ptr< const mT > | |
►Clive_wrapper | |
C_destroy | |
Clive_wrapper< const T > | |
Cmapped_detected | |
Cmapped_detected< T, void_t< typename T::mapped_type > > | |
Cmax_t | Shorthand for std::numeric_limits::max() |
Cmember_of | |
Cmember_of< M T::* > | |
Cmeta_type | |
Cmeta_type< T > | |
Cmetafunction_success | |
Cmetafunction_success< T, void_t< typename T::type > > | |
Cmin_t | Shorthand for std::numeric_limits::min() |
Cmulti_range | |
Cmulti_range< Iter1, EndIter, 0 > | |
Cmulti_span | |
Cnull_construct | |
Cnull_construct< T, true > | |
Cpadding_bits | |
►Cpoly_obj | Inline polymorphic object. Generally mimics the interfaces of std::optional and std::variant |
Ctag | |
Cpoly_obj_traits | Poly_obj_traits is a traits class template which abstracts the allowed operations on a polymorphic type hierarchy. Any operation allowed by the traits must be usable for the entire hierarchy, not just the base class |
Cpunner | |
CRAII_wrapper | |
►Crange_t | A range generator, similar to Python 3's range() |
Citerator | A helper struct which acts as an iterator for the range elements, as they are generated on the fly |
Creturn_assert | Essentially just like std::enable_if, but with a different name that makes it clearer what it does in the context of return type SFINAE |
Creturn_assert< true, T > | |
Creturn_type | |
Creturn_type< R(Args...) const > | |
Creturn_type< R(Args...) const volatile > | |
Creturn_type< R(Args...) volatile > | |
Creturn_type< R(Args...)> | |
Csafe_signed | |
Csafe_signed< N, std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral< N >::value, void > > | |
Cshift_mask | |
Csparse_trie_map | |
Csparse_trie_set | |
Cstack | |
Cstate_size | |
Cstate_size< std::discard_block_engine< Engine, P, R > > | |
Cstate_size< std::independent_bits_engine< Engine, W, UIntType > > | |
Cstate_size< std::linear_congruential_engine< UIntType, a, c, m > > | |
Cstate_size< std::mersenne_twister_engine< UIntType, w, n, m, r, a, u, d, s, b, t, c, l, f > > | |
Cstate_size< std::shuffle_order_engine< Engine, K > > | |
Cstate_size< std::subtract_with_carry_engine< UIntType, w, s, r > > | |
Cstate_size< transform_engine< Engine, Transform > > | |
Cto_pointer_impl | |
Cto_pointer_impl< T * > | |
Ctransform_engine | |
Ctransform_iterator | An InputIterator that applies a transformation to the elements of the range |
Ctrie | |
Ctrie< KeyElem, T, Extractor, false > | |
Ctrie< KeyElem[], T, Extractor, false > | |
Ctrie_map | |
Ctrie_qmap | |
Ctrie_qset | |
Ctrie_set | |
Ctrivial_array | Std::array isn't constexpr enough in C++14, so a dedicated array class is needed for constexpr functions |
Ctrivial_pair | Std::pair isn't constexpr enough, so I'm stuck with this. All I use it for is removing a temporary variable from calc_fib_size() |
Ctrivial_seed_seq | |
Ctype_constant | |
Cunicode_widen | |
Cunicode_widen< char16_t, char32_t > | |
Cunion_pun | |
Cunion_pun< Type[N], Storage > | |
Cvalue_detected | |
Cvalue_detected< T, void_t< typename T::value_type > > | |
Cvalue_type_linear | |
Cvalue_type_linear< Container, false, typename Container::value_type > | |
Cvisitor | Helper class for std::visiting a std::variant |
Cvoid_if | |
Cvoid_if< true > | |
Czip_iterator | |
Czip_iterator< It1, It1, It2 > | |
►Nstd | |
Chash< kblib::delayed_construct< T > > | |
Ctuple_element< 0, ::kblib::enumeration< T > > | |
Ctuple_element< 0, const volatile ::kblib::enumeration< T > > | |
Ctuple_element< 0, kblib::detail_cry::value_index_pair< T > > | |
Ctuple_element< 0, volatile ::kblib::enumeration< T > > | |
Ctuple_element< 1, ::kblib::enumeration< T > > | Copies decay away the const |
Ctuple_element< 1, const ::kblib::enumeration< T > > | Unless const is explicitly added |
Ctuple_element< 1, const volatile ::kblib::enumeration< T > > | But you can also add const to a reference |
Ctuple_element< 1, kblib::detail_cry::value_index_pair< T > > | |
Ctuple_element< 1, volatile ::kblib::enumeration< T > > | References keep the same qualifications as the original |
Ctuple_element< I, kblib::punner< Types... > > | |
Ctuple_size< kblib::detail_cry::value_index_pair< T > > | |
Ctuple_size< kblib::punner< Types... > > | |
Ctuple_size<::kblib::construct_with_size< C, Size > > | |
Ctuple_size<::kblib::enumeration< T > > | |
CAddr | |
CAddr1 | |
Cbad_iterator | |
Cbad_iterator< 0 > | |
►Cbuffer | |
Cret_proxy | |
CCatch_global_namespace_dummy | |
Cempty_t | |
Cexample | |
Chas_padding | |
Ck | |
Cno_hash | |
Cno_padding | |
Cprint | |
Cpunner | |
CRef | |
Ctag | |