kblib 0.2.3
General utilities library for modern C++
kblib::fakestd::detail Namespace Reference

Implementation details for kblib::fakestd features. More...


struct  invokable_r
struct  invoke_of
struct  invoke_result
struct  invoke_result< decltype(void(invoke(std::declval< F >(), std::declval< Args >()...))), F, Args... >
struct  is_referenceable
struct  is_referenceable_impl
struct  nat
struct  not_fn_t
struct  nothrow_invokable_r_imp
struct  nothrow_invokable_r_imp< true, false, Ret, Fp, Args... >
struct  nothrow_invokable_r_imp< true, true, Ret, Fp, Args... >
struct  nothrow_swappable_with
struct  nothrow_swappable_with< Tp, Up, false >
struct  swappable_with
struct  swappable_with< Tp, Up, false >
struct  two


template<class Fp , class... Args>
using invokable = invokable_r< void, Fp, Args... >
template<class Ret , class Fp , class... Args>
using nothrow_invokable_r = nothrow_invokable_r_imp< invokable_r< Ret, Fp, Args... >::value, std::is_void< Ret >::value, Ret, Fp, Args... >
template<class Fp , class... Args>
using nothrow_invokable = nothrow_invokable_r_imp< invokable< Fp, Args... >::value, true, void, Fp, Args... >

Detailed Description

Implementation details for kblib::fakestd features.

Typedef Documentation

◆ invokable

template<class Fp , class... Args>
using kblib::fakestd::detail::invokable = typedef invokable_r<void, Fp, Args...>

Definition at line 415 of file fakestd.h.

◆ nothrow_invokable

template<class Fp , class... Args>
using kblib::fakestd::detail::nothrow_invokable = typedef nothrow_invokable_r_imp<invokable<Fp, Args...>::value, true, void, Fp, Args...>

Definition at line 446 of file fakestd.h.

◆ nothrow_invokable_r

template<class Ret , class Fp , class... Args>
using kblib::fakestd::detail::nothrow_invokable_r = typedef nothrow_invokable_r_imp<invokable_r<Ret, Fp, Args...>::value, std::is_void<Ret>::value, Ret, Fp, Args...>

Definition at line 441 of file fakestd.h.