kblib 0.2.3
General utilities library for modern C++
Go to the documentation of this file.
1/* *****************************************************************************
2 * kblib is a general utility library for C++14 and C++17, intended to provide
3 * performant high-level abstractions and more expressive ways to do simple
4 * things.
5 *
6 * Copyright (c) 2021 killerbee
7 *
8 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
11 * (at your option) any later version.
12 *
13 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 * GNU General Public License for more details.
17 *
18 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
20 * ****************************************************************************/
34#include "algorithm.h"
35#include "format.h"
36#include "tdecl.h"
37#include "traits.h"
39#include <algorithm>
40#include <cctype>
41#include <cwctype>
42#include <initializer_list>
43#include <numeric>
44#include <string>
45#include <type_traits>
48# include <string_view>
51namespace KBLIB_NS {
53#if true or KBLIB_USE_CXX17
61template <typename C>
63 : contains_type<std::tuple<char, wchar_t, char16_t, char32_t
64# if __cpp_char8_t
65 ,
66 char8_t
67# endif
68 >,
69 std::decay_t<C>> {
75template <typename C>
78namespace detail {
86 template <typename T, bool = std::is_arithmetic<T>::value>
88 using type = void;
89 };
96 template <typename T>
97 struct arithmetic_type<T, true> {
98 using type = T;
99 };
103 template <typename T>
113 template <typename T, typename = arithmetic_type_t<T>>
114 struct str_type {
119 using type = std::string;
125 KBLIB_NODISCARD static auto convert(T in) -> std::string {
126 return std::to_string(in);
127 }
128 };
140 template <typename T>
141 struct str_type<T, void> {
146 using type = T;
150 KBLIB_NODISCARD static auto convert(T&& in) -> type {
151 return std::forward<T>(in);
152 }
153 };
157 template <>
158 struct str_type<char, char> {
159 using type = char;
160 KBLIB_NODISCARD static auto convert(char in) -> char { return in; }
161 };
165 template <>
166 struct str_type<wchar_t, wchar_t> {
167 using type = wchar_t;
168 KBLIB_NODISCARD static auto convert(wchar_t in) -> wchar_t { return in; }
169 };
173 template <>
174 struct str_type<char16_t, char16_t> {
175 using type = char16_t;
176 KBLIB_NODISCARD static auto convert(char16_t in) -> char16_t {
177 return in;
178 }
179 };
183 template <>
184 struct str_type<char32_t, char32_t> {
185 using type = char32_t;
186 KBLIB_NODISCARD static auto convert(char32_t in) -> char32_t {
187 return in;
188 }
189 };
190# if __cpp_char8_t
194 template <>
195 struct str_type<char8_t, char8_t> {
196 using type = char8_t;
197 KBLIB_NODISCARD static auto convert(char8_t in) -> char8_t { return in; }
198 };
199# endif
203 template <typename T>
206} // namespace detail
208# if KBLIB_USE_CXX17
216template <typename Str>
217KBLIB_NODISCARD auto strsize(Str&& str) -> std::size_t {
218 if constexpr (std::is_array_v<std::remove_reference_t<Str>>) {
219 return fakestd::size(str);
220 } else if constexpr (std::is_pointer_v<std::decay_t<Str>>) {
221 return std::char_traits<std::decay_t<decltype(*str)>>::length(str);
222 } else if constexpr (is_character_v<std::decay_t<Str>>) {
223 return 1;
224 } else if constexpr (std::is_integral_v<std::decay_t<Str>>) {
225 return to_unsigned(count_digits(str));
226 } else if constexpr (std::is_floating_point_v<std::decay_t<Str>>) {
227 return to_unsigned(count_digits(str));
228 } else {
229 return fakestd::size(str);
230 }
233template <typename CharT>
234KBLIB_NODISCARD constexpr auto length(const CharT* str) noexcept
235 -> std::size_t {
250template <typename string, typename F, typename... S>
251auto append(string&& out, F&& f, S&&... tail) -> void {
252 if constexpr (is_character_v<std::decay_t<F>>) {
253 out.append(1, f);
254 } else if constexpr (std::is_arithmetic_v<std::decay_t<F>>) {
255 out.append(std::to_string(f));
256 } else {
257 out.append(f);
258 }
259 if constexpr (sizeof...(S) > 0) {
260 append(out, tail...);
261 }
262 return;
265namespace detail {
267 template <std::size_t I, typename T>
268 struct value {
269 T v;
270 };
272 template <class Idxs, class... Ts>
273 struct values;
275 template <std::size_t... Idxs, typename... Ts>
276 struct values<std::index_sequence<Idxs...>, Ts...> : value<Idxs, Ts>... {};
278 template <typename string, typename... S, std::size_t... I>
279 KBLIB_NODISCARD auto concat_impl(std::index_sequence<I...>, S&&... ins)
280 -> string {
281 values<std::index_sequence<I...>, detail::str_type_t<S>...> buf{
282 {detail::str_type<S>::convert(std::forward<S>(ins))}...};
283 string ret;
284 std::size_t size
285 = (strsize(static_cast<value<I, detail::str_type_t<S>>&>(buf).v) + ...
286 + 0);
287 ret.reserve(size);
288 append(ret, static_cast<value<I, detail::str_type_t<S>>&>(buf).v...);
289 return ret;
290 }
292} // namespace detail
304template <typename string = std::string, typename F, typename... S>
305KBLIB_NODISCARD auto concat(F&& f, S&&... ins) -> string {
306 return detail::concat_impl<string>(
307 std::make_index_sequence<1 + sizeof...(S)>{}, std::forward<F>(f),
308 std::forward<S>(ins)...);
318template <typename string = std::string, typename str>
319KBLIB_NODISCARD auto concat(std::initializer_list<str> ins) -> string {
320 string ret;
321 ret.reserve(std::accumulate(
322 ins.begin(), ins.end(), std::size_t{0},
323 [](std::size_t z, const str& s) { return z + strsize(s); }));
324 for (auto&& s : ins) {
325 append(ret, s);
326 }
327 return ret;
329# endif
331KBLIB_NODISCARD inline auto isspace(char c) -> bool {
332 return std::isspace(to_unsigned(c));
334KBLIB_NODISCARD inline auto isspace(wchar_t c) -> bool {
335 return iswspace(to_unsigned(c));
338struct is_space {
339 KBLIB_NODISCARD auto operator()(char c) -> bool { return isspace(c); }
340 KBLIB_NODISCARD auto operator()(wchar_t c) -> bool { return isspace(c); }
343KBLIB_NODISCARD constexpr inline auto isAspace(char c) -> bool {
344 for (auto v : " \t\r\n\f\v") {
345 if (c == v) {
346 return true;
347 }
348 }
349 return false;
351KBLIB_NODISCARD constexpr inline auto isAspace(wchar_t c) -> bool {
352 for (auto v : L" \t\r\n\f\v") {
353 if (c == v) {
354 return true;
355 }
356 }
357 return false;
369template <typename range, typename string = std::string>
370KBLIB_NODISCARD auto join(const range& in, const string& joiner = "") {
371 if (fakestd::size(in) > 0) {
373 auto len = kblib::accumulate(
374 begin(in), end(in), std::size_t{},
375 [](std::size_t l, const auto& x) { return l + strsize(x); });
376 auto ret = *begin(in);
377 try_reserve(ret, len);
378 kblib::copy(next(begin(in)), end(in),
379 consumer([&](const auto& x) { append(ret, joiner, x); }));
380 return ret;
381 } else {
382 return typename value_type_linear<range>::type{};
383 }
385#endif // KBLIB_USE_CXX17
395template <typename Container = std::vector<std::string>, typename Predicate,
396 typename String>
397KBLIB_NODISCARD auto split_tokens(const String& in, Predicate spacer)
399 is_callable<Predicate,
400 typename Container::value_type::value_type>::value,
401 Container> {
402 Container ret{};
403 bool delim_run = true;
404 const char* begpos{};
405 auto endpos = begpos;
406 for (const auto& c : in) {
407 if (delim_run) {
408 // keep begpos updated as long as in a delimiter run
409 begpos = &c;
410 }
411 if (spacer(c) and not std::exchange(delim_run, true)) {
412 // c is first of a run of delimiters
413 ret.emplace_back(begpos, &c - begpos);
414 } else if (not spacer(c)) {
415 // c is not a delimiter
416 delim_run = false;
417 }
418 endpos = &c;
419 }
420 if (not std::exchange(delim_run, true)) {
421 ret.emplace_back(begpos, endpos + 1);
422 }
423 if (not delim_run and begpos != endpos) {
424 ret.emplace_back(begpos, endpos - begpos + 1);
425 }
426 return ret;
435template <typename Container = std::vector<std::string>, typename String>
436KBLIB_NODISCARD auto split_tokens(const String& in) -> Container {
437 return split_tokens(in, is_space{});
447template <typename Container = std::vector<std::string>, typename String>
449 const String& in, typename Container::value_type::value_type delim)
450 -> Container {
451 Container ret{};
452 bool delim_run = true;
453 using CharT = typename Container::value_type::value_type;
454 const CharT* begpos{};
455 auto endpos = begpos;
456 for (const CharT& c : in) {
457 if (delim_run) {
458 // keep begpos updated as long as in a delimiter run
459 begpos = &c;
460 }
461 if (c == delim and not std::exchange(delim_run, true)) {
462 // c is first of a run of delimiters
463 ret.emplace_back(begpos, &c - begpos);
464 } else if (c != delim) {
465 // c is not a delimiter
466 delim_run = false;
467 }
468 endpos = &c;
469 }
470 if (not delim_run and begpos != endpos) {
471 ret.emplace_back(&*begpos, endpos - begpos + 1);
472 }
473 return ret;
476template <typename Container = std::vector<std::string>, typename String>
477KBLIB_NODISCARD auto kbsplit2(const String& in, char delim = ' ') -> Container {
478 Container ret{""};
479 bool delim_run = true;
480 for (char c : in) {
481 if (c == delim and not std::exchange(delim_run, true)) {
482 // c is first of a run of delimiters
483 ret.emplace_back();
484 } else if (c != delim) {
485 // c is not a delimiter
486 delim_run = false;
487 ret.back().push_back(c);
488 }
489 }
490 if (ret.back().empty()) {
491 ret.pop_back();
492 }
493 return ret;
503template <typename Container = std::vector<std::string>, typename String>
504KBLIB_NODISCARD auto split_dsv(const String& str, char delim) -> Container {
505 Container ret;
506 for (std::size_t pos1{}, pos2{str.find(delim)}; pos1 != str.npos;) {
507 ret.emplace_back(str, pos1, pos2 - pos1);
508 pos1 = std::exchange(pos2, str.find(delim, pos2 + 1));
509 if (pos1 != str.npos) {
510 ++pos1;
511 }
512 }
513 return ret;
523template <typename Container = std::vector<std::string>, typename String,
524 typename Predicate>
525KBLIB_NODISCARD auto split_dsv(const String& str, Predicate delim)
527 is_callable<Predicate,
528 typename Container::value_type::value_type>::value,
529 Container> {
530 Container ret;
531 for (std::size_t pos1{}, pos2{str.find(delim)}; pos1 != str.npos;) {
532 ret.emplace_back(str, pos1, pos2 - pos1);
533 pos1 = std::exchange(
534 pos2, kblib::find_in_if(str.begin() + pos1 + 1, str.end(), delim));
535 if (pos1 != str.npos) {
536 ++pos1;
537 }
538 }
539 return ret;
542// TODO(killerbee13): figure out if any uses of reverseStr, toLower, toUpper
543// exist in current projects
554template <typename string>
555KBLIB_NODISCARD auto reverse_str(string val) -> string {
556 std::reverse(val.begin(), val.end());
557 return val;
560namespace detail {
562 template <typename CharT>
563 KBLIB_NODISCARD inline auto to_int_type(CharT ch) {
565 }
566 template <typename CharT, typename IntT>
567 KBLIB_NODISCARD inline auto to_char_type(IntT ch) {
569 }
571 KBLIB_NODISCARD inline auto tolower(char ch) {
572 return to_char_type<char>(std::tolower(to_int_type(ch)));
573 }
575 KBLIB_NODISCARD inline auto towlower(wchar_t ch) {
576 return to_char_type<wchar_t>(std::towlower(to_int_type(ch)));
577 }
579 KBLIB_NODISCARD inline auto toupper(char ch) {
580 return to_char_type<char>(std::toupper(to_int_type(ch)));
581 }
583 KBLIB_NODISCARD inline auto towupper(wchar_t ch) {
584 return to_char_type<wchar_t>(std::towupper(to_int_type(ch)));
585 }
586} // namespace detail
593template <typename string>
594KBLIB_NODISCARD constexpr auto tolower(string str) -> string {
595 std::transform(str.begin(), str.end(), str.begin(),
596 [](auto c) { return detail::tolower(c); });
597 return str;
606template <typename string>
607KBLIB_NODISCARD auto toupper(string str) -> string {
608 std::transform(str.begin(), str.end(), str.begin(),
609 [](auto c) { return detail::toupper(c); });
610 return str;
624template <typename string>
625KBLIB_NODISCARD auto repeat(string val, std::size_t count) -> string {
626 string tmp;
627 try_reserve(tmp, fakestd::size(val) * count);
628 for (std::size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
629 tmp += val;
630 }
631 return tmp;
642KBLIB_NODISCARD inline auto repeat(char val, std::size_t count) -> std::string {
643 return std::string(count, val);
654KBLIB_NODISCARD inline auto ends_with(std::string_view haystack,
655 std::string_view needle) -> bool {
656 return haystack.size() >= needle.size()
657 and haystack.compare(haystack.size() - needle.size(),
658 std::string_view::npos, needle)
659 == 0;
668KBLIB_NODISCARD inline auto ends_with(std::string_view haystack, char needle)
669 -> bool {
670 return not haystack.empty() and haystack.back() == needle;
679KBLIB_NODISCARD inline auto starts_with(std::string_view haystack,
680 std::string_view needle) -> bool {
681 return haystack.size() >= needle.size()
682 and haystack.compare(0, needle.size(), needle) == 0;
691KBLIB_NODISCARD inline auto starts_with(std::string_view haystack, char needle)
692 -> bool {
693 return not haystack.empty() and haystack.front() == needle;
698} // namespace KBLIB_NS
700#endif // KBLIB_STRINGOPS_H
Provides general-purpose algorithms, similar to the <algorithms> header.
Contains some utilities for manipulating and querying string representations.
auto to_char_type(IntT ch)
Definition: stringops.h:567
auto towlower(wchar_t ch)
Definition: stringops.h:575
typename str_type< T >::type str_type_t
Provides the natural stringlike type for representing a T.
Definition: stringops.h:204
typename arithmetic_type< T >::type arithmetic_type_t
Equivalent to typename arithmetic_type<T>::type.
Definition: stringops.h:104
auto to_int_type(CharT ch)
Definition: stringops.h:563
auto concat_impl(std::index_sequence< I... >, S &&... ins) -> string
Definition: stringops.h:279
auto towupper(wchar_t ch)
Definition: stringops.h:583
constexpr auto size(const C &c) -> decltype(c.size())
Definition: fakestd.h:373
auto starts_with(std::string_view haystack, char needle) -> bool
Checks if a given string starts with a particular string.
Definition: stringops.h:691
constexpr auto exchange(T &obj, U &&new_value) -> T
Definition: fakestd.h:725
auto consumer(F f) -> consume_iterator< F >
Creates a consume_iterator of deduced type F.
Definition: iterators.h:1614
auto ends_with(std::string_view haystack, char needle) -> bool
Checks if a given string ends with a particular string.
Definition: stringops.h:668
auto isspace(wchar_t c) -> bool
Definition: stringops.h:334
constexpr auto isAspace(wchar_t c) -> bool
Definition: stringops.h:351
auto strsize(Str &&str) -> std::size_t
Determines the size in characters of any valid argument to concat or append.
Definition: stringops.h:217
auto split_tokens(const String &in, typename Container::value_type::value_type delim) -> Container
Split a string on all instances of a delimiter.
Definition: stringops.h:448
auto kbsplit2(const String &in, char delim=' ') -> Container
Definition: stringops.h:477
constexpr auto tolower(string str) -> string
Folds all characters in a string using the default execution character set to lowercase.
Definition: stringops.h:594
auto join(const range &in, const string &joiner="")
Concatenates all elements of a range together with an optional joiner.
Definition: stringops.h:370
auto try_reserve(C &c, std::size_t s) noexcept(noexcept(c.reserve(s))) -> void
Attempt to reserve capacity in a container. No-op if unsupported.
Definition: traits.h:239
constexpr bool is_character_v
Equivalent to is_character<C>::value.
Definition: stringops.h:76
constexpr auto range(Value min, Value max, Delta step=0) -> range_t< Value, Delta >
Constructs a range from beginning, end, and step amount. The range is half-open, that is min is in th...
Definition: iterators.h:621
constexpr auto length(const CharT *str) noexcept -> std::size_t
Definition: stringops.h:234
auto reverse_str(string val) -> string
Reverses all the elements of its input.
Definition: stringops.h:555
auto to_string(Int num) -> std::string
Definition: convert.h:71
typename std::decay< T >::type decay_t
Definition: fakestd.h:64
auto append(string &&out, F &&f, S &&... tail) -> void
Given an object out of resizable stringlike type string, appends all other arguments to it.
Definition: stringops.h:251
constexpr auto count_digits(Number val) -> enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point< Number >::value, int >
Calculates the number of decimal digits needed to represent a number, plus one for negative numbers.
Definition: format.h:50
constexpr auto accumulate(InputIt first, InputIt last, T init) -> T
A constexpr version of std::accumulate.
Definition: algorithm.h:162
auto concat(std::initializer_list< str > ins) -> string
Returns a string consisting of the concatenation of all elements of an initializer list.
Definition: stringops.h:319
auto toupper(string str) -> string
Folds all characters in a string using the default execution character set to uppercase.
Definition: stringops.h:607
constexpr auto copy(InputIt first, EndIt last, OutputIt out) -> OutputIt
Copies all elements of [first, last) to out. It also allows for a sentinel end iterator.
Definition: algorithm.h:1322
auto split_dsv(const String &str, Predicate delim) -> return_assert_t< is_callable< Predicate, typename Container::value_type::value_type >::value, Container >
Split a string on all instances of delim.
Definition: stringops.h:525
typename return_assert< V, T >::type return_assert_t
Definition: fakestd.h:550
auto repeat(char val, std::size_t count) -> std::string
Construct a string consisting of count copies of val.
Definition: stringops.h:642
constexpr auto find_in_if(ForwardIt begin, EndIt end, UnaryPredicate pred) noexcept(noexcept(kblib::invoke(pred, *begin))) -> size_t
Find the offset of the first element for which p returns true. It also allows for a sentinel end iter...
Definition: algorithm.h:474
constexpr auto to_unsigned(I x) -> std::make_unsigned_t< I >
Cast integral argument to corresponding unsigned type.
Definition: fakestd.h:592
constexpr auto transform(InputIt first, EndIt last, OutputIt d_first, UnaryOperation unary_op) -> OutputIt
transform applies the given function to a range and stores the result in another range,...
Definition: algorithm.h:1632
Definition: bits.h:721
Determines if T is a type in Tuple, which must be a std::tuple.
Definition: traits.h:52
Filter only arithmetic types.
Definition: stringops.h:87
static auto convert(T &&in) -> type
Returns the argument unchanged.
Definition: stringops.h:150
T type
Non-arithmetic types are either already stringlike, or have no natural conversion to std::string.
Definition: stringops.h:146
static auto convert(char16_t in) -> char16_t
Definition: stringops.h:176
static auto convert(char32_t in) -> char32_t
Definition: stringops.h:186
static auto convert(char in) -> char
Definition: stringops.h:160
static auto convert(wchar_t in) -> wchar_t
Definition: stringops.h:168
Converts arithmetic types to strings, but provides the identity transformation for all other types.
Definition: stringops.h:114
std::string type
Arithmetic types can be converted into strings using the standard library.
Definition: stringops.h:119
static auto convert(T in) -> std::string
Forwards to std::to_string.
Definition: stringops.h:125
Determine if the given type, ignoring const or reference qualifiers, is a character type.
Definition: stringops.h:69
auto operator()(wchar_t c) -> bool
Definition: stringops.h:340
auto operator()(char c) -> bool
Definition: stringops.h:339
Provides macros and basic templates used by the rest of kblib.
#define KBLIB_NS
Definition: tdecl.h:113
This internal macro is used to provide a fallback for [[nodiscard]] in C++14.
Definition: tdecl.h:129
Contains some type traits not in the standard library that are useful in the implementation of kblib.