kblib 0.2.3
General utilities library for modern C++
This is the complete list of members for kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits >, including all inherited members.
base_type typedef | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | |
capacity | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | static |
clear() noexcept -> void | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | inline |
emplace(Args &&... args) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_constructible< U, Args &&... >::value) -> U * | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | inline |
get() &noexcept -> Obj * | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | inline |
get() const &noexcept -> const Obj * | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | inline |
has_value() const &noexcept -> bool | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | inline |
make(Args &&... args) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_constructible< U, Args &&... >::value) -> poly_obj | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | inlinestatic |
make_aggregate(Args &&... args) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_constructible< U, Args &&... >::value) -> poly_obj | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | inlinestatic |
make_poly_obj(Args &&... args, std::nullptr_t=poly_warn_if<(Capacity !=sizeof(D) and Capacity > Traits::default_capacity)>()) -> poly_obj< T, std::max(Capacity, Traits::default_capacity), Traits > | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | related |
operator bool() const &noexcept | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | inlineexplicit |
operator()(Args &&... args) noexcept(is_nothrow_invocable< Obj &, Args &&... >::value) -> fakestd::invoke_result_t< Obj &, Args &&... > | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | inline |
operator()(Args &&... args) const noexcept(is_nothrow_invocable< const Obj &, Args &&... >::value) -> fakestd::invoke_result_t< const Obj &, Args &&... > | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | inline |
operator*() &noexcept -> Obj & | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | inline |
operator*() const &noexcept -> const Obj & | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | inline |
operator*() &&noexcept(Traits::nothrow_movable) -> Obj && | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | inline |
operator*() const &&noexcept(Traits::nothrow_movable) -> const Obj && | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | inline |
operator->() &noexcept -> Obj * | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | inline |
operator->() const &noexcept -> const Obj * | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | inline |
operator->*(member_type Obj::*member) &noexcept | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | inline |
operator->*(member_type Obj::*member) const &noexcept | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | inline |
operator->*(member_type Obj::*member) &&noexcept | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | inline |
operator->*(member_type Obj::*member) const &&noexcept | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | inline |
operator->*(member_type(Obj::*member)(Args...)) &noexcept | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | inline |
operator->*(member_type(Obj::*member)(Args...) const) &noexcept | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | inline |
operator->*(member_type(Obj::*member)(Args...) const) const &noexcept | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | inline |
operator->*(member_type(Obj::*member)(Args...) const) &&noexcept | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | inline |
operator->*(member_type(Obj::*member)(Args...) &) &noexcept | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | inline |
operator->*(member_type(Obj::*member)(Args...) const &) &noexcept | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | inline |
operator->*(member_type(Obj::*member)(Args...) const &) const &noexcept | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | inline |
operator->*(member_type(Obj::*member)(Args...) &&) &&noexcept | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | inline |
operator->*(member_type(Obj::*member)(Args...) const &) &&noexcept | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | inline |
operator->*(member_type(Obj::*member)(Args...)) &&noexcept | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | inline |
operator->*(member_type(Obj::*member)(Args...) const &&) &&noexcept | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | inline |
operator->*(member_type(Obj::*member)(Args...) const &&) const &&noexcept | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | inline |
operator=(const poly_obj &other) &-> poly_obj & | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | inline |
operator=(poly_obj &&other) &noexcept(Traits::nothrow_movable) -> poly_obj & | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | inline |
poly_obj()=default | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | |
poly_obj(std::nullptr_t) noexcept | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | inline |
poly_obj(const Obj &obj) | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | inline |
poly_obj(Obj &&obj) noexcept(Traits::nothrow_movable) | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | inline |
poly_obj(fakestd::in_place_t, Args &&... args) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_constructible< Obj, Args &&... >::value) | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | inlineexplicit |
poly_obj(kblib::in_place_agg_t, Args &&... args) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_constructible< Obj, Args &&... >::value) | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | inlineexplicit |
poly_obj(tag< U >, Args &&... args) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_constructible< U, Args &&... >::value) | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | inline |
poly_obj(tag< U, true >, Args &&... args) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_constructible< U, Args &&... >::value) | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | inline |
poly_obj(const poly_obj &other) | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | inline |
poly_obj(poly_obj &&other) noexcept(Traits::nothrow_movable) | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | inline |
traits_type typedef | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | |
~poly_obj() noexcept | kblib::poly_obj< Obj, Capacity, Traits > | inline |