--- channels: val: "English Text" gloss: "Lexemes" VerbSuf: - val: "0" gloss: ".inf" - val: "1" gloss: ".3sPres" - val: "2" gloss: ".1sPres" - val: "3" gloss: ".pPres" - val: "4" gloss: ".sPast" - val: "5" gloss: ".pPast" - val: "6" gloss: ".PresPart" - val: "7" gloss: ".PastPart" - val: "r" gloss: ".Agent" TransVerb/1: - val: "{AuxVerbRoot}{VerbSuf!2 4}" - val: "{TransVerbRoot}{VerbSuf!2 4}" TransVerb/s: - val: "{AuxVerbRoot}{VerbSuf!1 4}" - val: "{TransVerbRoot}{VerbSuf!1 4}" TransVerb/p: - val: "{AuxVerbRoot}{VerbSuf!3 5}" - val: "{TransVerbRoot}{VerbSuf!3 5}" TransVerb/inf: - val: "{AuxVerbRoot}{VerbSuf!0}" - val: "{TransVerbRoot}{VerbSuf!0}" TransVerb/part: - val: "{AuxVerbRoot}{VerbSuf!6}" - val: "{TransVerbRoot}{VerbSuf!6}" - val: "{AuxVerbRoot}{VerbSuf!7}" - val: "{TransVerbRoot}{VerbSuf!7}" IntrVerb/1: - val: "{AuxVerbRoot}{VerbSuf!2 4}" - val: "{IntrVerbRoot}{VerbSuf!2 4}" IntrVerb/s: - val: "{AuxVerbRoot}{VerbSuf!1 4}" - val: "{IntrVerbRoot}{VerbSuf!1 4}" IntrVerb/p: - val: "{AuxVerbRoot}{VerbSuf!3 5}" - val: "{IntrVerbRoot}{VerbSuf!3 5}" IntrVerb/inf: - val: "{AuxVerbRoot}{VerbSuf!0}" - val: "{IntrVerbRoot}{VerbSuf!0}" IntrVerb/part: - val: "{AuxVerbRoot}{VerbSuf!6}" - val: "{IntrVerbRoot}{VerbSuf!6}" # - val: "{AuxVerbRoot}{VerbSuf!7}" # - val: "{IntrVerbRoot}{VerbSuf!7}" CVerb/1: - val: "{COP}{VerbSuf!2 4}" CVerb/s: - val: "{COP}{VerbSuf!1 4}" CVerb/p: - val: "{COP}{VerbSuf!3 5}" CVerb/inf: - val: "{COP}{VerbSuf!0}" CVerb/part: - val: "{COP}{VerbSuf!6}" - val: "{COP}{VerbSuf!7}" Pronoun: - val: "NP1s" # I/me gloss: "1s" - val: "NP1p" # we/we gloss: "1p" - val: "NP2s" # you/you gloss: "2s" - val: "NP2p" # you/you gloss: "2p" - val: "NP3si" # it/it gloss: "3si" - val: "NP3sf" # she/her gloss: "3sf" - val: "NP3sm" # he/him gloss: "3sm" - val: "NP3sn" # xe/xem gloss: "3sn" - val: "NP3s" # they/them gloss: "3s" - val: "NP3so" # one/one gloss: "3.indef" - val: "NP3p" # they/them gloss: "3p" DemPronoun: - val: "{DemPronoun/s}" - val: "{DemPronoun/p}" _DemPronoun: - val: "NPDdp" gloss: "this" - val: "NPDdd" gloss: "that" DemPronoun/s: - val: "{_DemPronoun}s" gloss: ".s" DemPronoun/p: - val: "{_DemPronoun}p" gloss: ".p" RelPronoun: - val: "NPRi" gloss: "which" - val: "NPRp" gloss: "who" Sentence: - val: "{IndependentClause}{.}" - val: "{IndependentClause}{,?}{sp}{conj}{sp}{IndependentClause}{.}" - val: "{IndependentClause}{,}{sp}{butnot}{sp}{IndependentClause}{.}" - val: "{IClauses}{conj}{sp}{IndependentClause}{.}" - val: "{AuxQuestion}" freq: 0 - val: "{TransVerb/inf}{sp}{Object}{.}" - val: "{Subject/2}{sp}{TransVerb/inf}{sp}{Object}{.}" - val: "{ConditionalSentence}" IndependentClause: - val: "{Subject/1}{sp}{Predicate/1}" - val: "{Subject/s}{sp}{Predicate/s}" - val: "{Subject/p}{sp}{Predicate/p}" IClauses: - val: "{IndependentClause}{,}{sp}" - val: "{IndependentClause}{,}{sp}{IClauses}" ConditionalSentence: - val: "{if}{sp}{IndependentClause}{,?}{sp}{then}{sp}{IndependentClause}{.}" - val: "{if}{sp}{IndependentClause}{,?}{sp}{then}{sp}{IndependentClause}{?}" - val: "{if}{sp}{IClauses}{conj}{sp}{IndependentClause}{,}{sp}{then}{sp}\ {IndependentClause}{.}" - val: "{if}{sp}{IClauses}{conj}{sp}{IndependentClause}{,}{sp}{then}{sp}\ {IndependentClause}{?}" AuxQuestion: - val: "{IntrVerb/1:1 0}{sp}{Subject/1}{?}" - val: "{TransVerb/1:1 0}{sp}{Subject/1}{sp}{Object}{?}" - val: "{TransVerb/1:1 0}{sp}{Subject/1}{sp}{TransVerb/part}{sp}{Object}{?}" - val: "{IntrVerb/s:1 0}{sp}{Subject/s}{?}" - val: "{TransVerb/s:1 0}{sp}{Subject/s}{sp}{Object}{?}" - val: "{TransVerb/s:1 0}{sp}{Subject/s}{sp}{TransVerb/part}{sp}{Object}{?}" - val: "{IntrVerb/p:1 0}{sp}{Subject/p}{?}" - val: "{TransVerb/p:1 0}{sp}{Subject/p}{sp}{Object}{?}" - val: "{TransVerb/p:1 0}{sp}{Subject/p}{sp}{TransVerb/part}{sp}{Object}{?}" .: - val: "." freq: 10 - val: "!" - val: "?" ?: - val: "?" freq: 10 ",?": - val: "" - val: "," ",": - val: "," sp: - val: " " gloss: " " conj: - val: "and" gloss: "and" - val: "but" gloss: "but" - val: "for" gloss: "for" - val: "so" gloss: "so" conj/n: - val: "or" gloss: "or" - val: "nor" gloss: "nor" not: - val: "~" gloss: "not " butnot: - val: "{conj!1}{not}" nconj: - val: "and" gloss: "and" - val: "but" gloss: "but" - val: "or" gloss: "or" if: - val: "if" gloss: "if" then: - val: "then" gloss: "then" Subject/1: - val: "{Pronoun!0}S" Subject/2: - val: "{Pronoun!2 3}S" Subject/s: - val: "{Pronoun!4 5 6 7 9}S" - val: "{Noun/s|i}" - val: "{Noun/s|d}" - val: "{DemPronoun/s}" Subject/p: - val: "{Pronoun!1 2 3 8 10}S" - val: "{Noun/p|i}" - val: "{Noun/p|d}" - val: "{DemPronoun/p}" Object: - val: "{Pronoun}O" - val: "{Pronoun:1 1 1 1 .3333}D" freq: .7 - val: "{DemPronoun}" - val: "{Noun}" - val: "{RelPronoun}" freq: 0 Predicate/1: - val: "{IntrVerb/1}" - val: "{TransVerb/1}{sp}{Object}" - val: "{CVerb/1}{sp}{Adjective}-" - val: "{CVerb/1}{sp}{Adjective}" gloss: ".er" - val: "{CVerb/1}{sp}{Adjective} than {Object}" gloss: ".er than " - val: "{CVerb/1}{sp}{Det/d}{sp}{Adjective}]" gloss: ".est" - val: "{not}{Predicate/1}" freq: 5 Predicate/s: - val: "{IntrVerb/s}" - val: "{TransVerb/s}{sp}{Object}" - val: "{CVerb/s}{sp}{Adjective}-" - val: "{CVerb/s}{sp}{Adjective}" gloss: ".er" - val: "{CVerb/s}{sp}{Adjective} than {Object}" gloss: ".er than " - val: "{CVerb/s}{sp}{Det/d}{sp}{Adjective}]" gloss: ".est" - val: "{not}{Predicate/s}" freq: 5 Predicate/p: - val: "{IntrVerb/p}" - val: "{TransVerb/p}{sp}{Object}" - val: "{CVerb/p}{sp}{Adjective}-" - val: "{CVerb/p}{sp}{Adjective}" gloss: ".er" - val: "{CVerb/p}{sp}{Adjective} than {Object}" gloss: ".er than " - val: "{CVerb/p}{sp}{Det/d}{sp}{Adjective}]" gloss: ".est" - val: "{not}{Predicate/p}" freq: 5 IntrVerbRoot: - val: "V#201" gloss: "sneeze" TransVerbRoot: - val: "{AuxVerbRoot}" - val: "V#101" gloss: "see" - val: "V#102" gloss: "poke" - val: "V#103" gloss: "buy" DiTransVerbRoot: - val: "{TransVerbRoot!3}" # buy AuxVerbRoot: - val: "{COP}" - val: "V#02" gloss: "do" COP: - val: "V#01" gloss: "be" RudeTransVerbRoot: - val: "V#x1" gloss: "fuck" - val: "V#x2" gloss: "damn" Noun/s|: - val: "{Det/s<0>}{sp}{NounRoot}s" - val: "{Det/s<0>}{sp}{AdjPhrase/<0>}{sp}{NounRoot}s" - val: "{Noun/s|<0>} of {Noun/of}" - val: "{Quantifier/s<0>} of {Noun/q|<0>}" Noun/p|: - val: "{NounRoot}p" gloss: ".p" - val: "{Det/p<0>}{sp}{NounRoot}p" gloss: ".p" - val: "{AdjPhrase/<0>}{sp}{NounRoot}p" gloss: ".p" - val: "{Det/p<0>}{sp}{AdjPhrase/<0>}{sp}{NounRoot}p" gloss: ".p" - val: "{Noun/p|<0>} of {Noun/of}" - val: "{Quantifier/p<0>} of {Noun/q|<0>}" Noun/p: - val: "{Noun/p|d}" - val: "{Noun/p|i}" Noun/s: - val: "{Noun/s|d}" - val: "{Noun/s|i}" Noun: - val: "{Noun/s|i}" - val: "{Noun/p|i}" - val: "{Noun/s|d}" - val: "{Noun/p|d}" Noun/of: - val: "{Noun/s|i: 1 1 .15 .2}" - val: "{Noun/s|d: 1 1 .15 .2}" - val: "{Noun/p|i:0 1 1 1 .15 .2}" - val: "{Noun/p|d:0 1 1 1 .15 .2}" Noun/q|: - val: "{Noun/p|<0>:1 1 0 1 .2 0}" Det: - val: "{Pronoun}{G}" - val: "{Noun}{G}" - val: "the" gloss: "the" - val: "@" gloss: "a" - val: "{DemPronoun/s}" - val: "{DemPronoun/p}" - val: "{Quantifier/pi}" - val: "some" gloss: "some" Det/sd: - val: "{Det:1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0}" Det/pd: - val: "{Det:1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0}" Det/si: - val: "{Det:0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1}" Det/pi: - val: "{Det:0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0}" Det/d: - val: "{Det/sd}" - val: "{Det/pd}" Det/i: - val: "{Det/si}" - val: "{Det/pi}" Det/s: - val: "{Det/si}" - val: "{Det/sd}" Det/p: - val: "{Det/pi}" - val: "{Det/pd}" G: - val: "G" gloss: "=gen" - val: "G own" gloss: "=gen own" freq: .4 Quantifier: - val: "{Quantifier/Number/s}" - val: "{Quantifier/Number/p}" - val: "{Quantifier/Adj/d}" - val: "{Quantifier/Adj/i}" Quantifier/Number/s: - val: "one" Quantifier/Number/p: - val: "two" - val: "three" - val: "four" Quantifier/Adj/i: - val: "some" - val: "all" - val: "a few" - val: "only" Quantifier/Adj/d: - val: "none" Quantifier/sd: - val: "{Quantifier:1 0 0 1}" Quantifier/pd: - val: "{Quantifier:0 1 0 1}" Quantifier/si: - val: "{Quantifier:0 1 1 0}" Quantifier/pi: - val: "{Quantifier:0 1 0 1}" Quantifier/d: - val: "{Quantifier/sd}" - val: "{Quantifier/pd}" Quantifier/i: - val: "{Quantifier/si}" - val: "{Quantifier/pi}" Quantifier/s: - val: "{Quantifier/si}" - val: "{Quantifier/sd}" Quantifier/p: - val: "{Quantifier/pi}" - val: "{Quantifier/pd}" NounRoot: - val: "N#01" gloss: "chicken" - val: "N#02" gloss: "box" - val: "N#03" gloss: "thing" - val: "N#04" gloss: "ox" - val: "N#05" gloss: "goose" - val: "N#06" gloss: "fish" - val: "N#07" gloss: "deer" - val: "N#08" gloss: "bee" - val: "N#09" gloss: "cup" - val: "N#0A" gloss: "book" RudeNounRoot: - val: "N#x1" gloss: "fuck" AdjPhrase: - val: "{Adjective}-" gloss: "" - val: "{Adjective}" gloss: ".er" - val: "{Adjective}]" gloss: ".est" - val: "{TransVerb/part}" - val: "{IntrVerb/part}" AdjPhrase/d: - val: "{AdjPhrase:1 0 0 0 0}" - val: "{AdjPhrase:0 1 0 0 0}" - val: "{AdjPhrase:0 0 1 0 0}" - val: "{AdjPhrase:0 0 0 1 0}" - val: "{AdjPhrase:0 0 0 0 1}" AdjPhrase/i: - val: "{AdjPhrase:1 0 0 0 0}" - val: "{AdjPhrase:0 1 0 0 0}" - val: "{AdjPhrase:0 0 0 1 0}" - val: "{AdjPhrase:0 0 0 0 1}" Adjective: - val: "A#01" gloss: "red" - val: "A#02" gloss: "blue" - val: "A#03" gloss: "yellow" - val: "A#04" gloss: "green" - val: "A#05" gloss: "orange" - val: "A#06" gloss: "purple" - val: "A#07" gloss: "pink" - val: "A#08" gloss: "white" - val: "A#09" gloss: "black" - val: "A#0A" gloss: "grey" - val: "A#0B" gloss: "brown" - val: "A#0C" gloss: "tan" replace: val: # Inversions - S: "~": ["", "~"] "~": "~": [""] match: - ["V", "~V"] "~V": match: - ["#", "~V."] "~V.": match: - ["0", "~V0"] '1': ["", "~V1"] x: ["", "~Vx"] "~V0": match: - ["1", "~V01"] - ["2", "~V02"] "~V01": set: - ["01234567", "{} ~", S] "~V02": default: ["{} ~ V#020", S] "~V1": '0': ["", "~V10"] "~V10": '1': ["", "~V101"] '2': ["", "~V102"] '3': ["", "~V103"] '4': ["", "~V104"] '5': ["", "~V105"] '6': ["", "~V106"] '7': ["", "~V107"] '8': ["", "~V108"] '9': ["", "~V109"] "~V101": default: ["02{} ~ V#1010", S] "~V102": default: ["02{} ~ V#1020", S] "~V103": default: ["02{} ~ V#1030", S] "~V104": default: ["02{} ~ V#1040", S] "~V105": default: ["02{} ~ V#1050", S] "~V106": default: ["02{} ~ V#1060", S] "~V107": default: ["02{} ~ V#1070", S] "~V108": default: ["02{} ~ V#1080", S] "~V109": default: ["02{} ~ V#1090", S] # Experimental: (inactive) # ? ["~V1(0)?", 10]: # set: # '0123456789': ["", "{S}{}"] # ? ["~V10([1-9])", 20]: # default: ["02{} ~ V#10{S:\\1}0", S] "~Vx": # '0': ["", "~Vx0"] '1': ["", "~Vx1"] '2': ["", "~Vx2"] '3': ["", "~Vx3"] '4': ["", "~Vx4"] '5': ["", "~Vx5"] '6': ["", "~Vx6"] '7': ["", "~Vx7"] '8': ["", "~Vx8"] '9': ["", "~Vx9"] "~Vx1": default: ["02{} ~ V#x10", S] "~Vx2": default: ["02{} ~ V#x20", S] "~Vx3": default: ["02{} ~ V#x30", S] "~Vx4": default: ["02{} ~ V#x40", S] "~Vx5": default: ["02{} ~ V#x50", S] "~Vx6": default: ["02{} ~ V#x60", S] "~Vx7": default: ["02{} ~ V#x70", S] "~Vx8": default: ["02{} ~ V#x80", S] "~Vx9": default: ["02{} ~ V#x90", S] # Lexeme expansion - S: V: ["", V] N: ["", N] A: ["", A] "~": ["not"] V: "#": ["", V.] default: ["VERR", S] V.: '0': ["", V0] '1': ["", V1] '2': ["", V2] x: ["", Vx] default: ["V#ERR", S] V0: '1': ["", V01] '2': ["", V02] default: ["V#0ERR", S] V01: '0': ["be", S] '1': ["is", S] '2': ["am", S] '3': ["are", S] '4': ["was", S] '5': ["were", S] '6': ["being", S] '7': ["been", S] default: ["V#01ERR", S] V02: '0': ["do", S] '1': ["does", S] '2': ["do", S] '3': ["do", S] '4': ["did", S] '5': ["did", S] '6': ["doing", S] '7': ["done", S] default: ["V#02ERR", S] V1: '0': ["", V10] default: ["V#1ERR", S] V10: '1': ["", V101] '2': ["", V102] '3': ["", V103] default: ["V#10ERR", S] V101: '0': ["see", S] '1': ["sees", S] '2': ["see", S] '3': ["see", S] '4': ["saw", S] '5': ["saw", S] '6': ["seeing", S] '7': ["seen", S] default: ["V#101ERR", S] V102: '0': ["poke", S] '1': ["pokes", S] '2': ["poke", S] '3': ["poke", S] '4': ["poked", S] '5': ["poked", S] '6': ["poking", S] '7': ["poked", S] default: ["V#102ERR", S] V103: '0': ["buy", S] '1': ["buys", S] '2': ["buy", S] '3': ["buy", S] '4': ["bought", S] '5': ["bought", S] '6': ["buying", S] '7': ["bought", S] default: ["V#102ERR", S] V2: '0': ["", V20] default: ["V#2ERR", S] V20: '1': ["", V201] # '2': ["", V202] default: ["V#20ERR", S] V201: '0': ["sneeze", S] '1': ["sneezes", S] '2': ["sneeze", S] '3': ["sneeze", S] '4': ["sneezed", S] '5': ["sneezed", S] '6': ["sneezing", S] '7': ["sneezed", S] default: ["V#201ERR", S] Vx: # '0': ["", Vx0] '1': ["", Vx1] default: ["V#xERR", S] Vx1: '0': ["fuck", S] '1': ["fucks", S] '2': ["fuck", S] '3': ["fuck", S] '4': ["fucked", S] '5': ["fucked", S] '6': ["fucking", S] '7': ["fucked", S] default: ["V#x1ERR", S] N: P: ["", Pro] "#": ["", N.] default: ["NERR", S] N.: '0': ["", N0] N0: '1': ["chicken", regPlu] '2': ["box", ePlu] '3': ["thing", regPlu] '4': ["ox", nPlu] '5': ["", N05] '6': ["fish", noPlu] '7': ["deer", noPlu] '8': ["bee", regPlu] '9': ["cup", regPlu] 'A': ["book", regPlu] default: ["N0{} ERR", S] regPlu: p: ["s", S] s: ["", S] ePlu: p: ["es", S] s: ["", S] nPlu: p: ["en", S] s: ["", S] noPlu: p: ["", S] s: ["", S] N05: p: ["geese", S] s: ["goose", S] Pro: '1': ["", P1] '2': ["", P2] '3': ["", P3] D: ["", PD] R: ["", PR] P1: s: ["", P1s] p: ["", P1p] P1s: S: ["I", S] O: ["me", S] G: ["my", S] D: ["mine", S] R: ["myself", S] P1p: S: ["we", S] O: ["us", S] G: ["our", S] D: ["ours", S] R: ["ourselves", S] P2: s: ["", P2s] p: ["", P2p] P2s: S: ["you", S] O: ["you", S] G: ["your", S] D: ["yours", S] R: ["yourself", S] P2p: S: ["you", S] O: ["you", S] G: ["your", S] D: ["yours", S] R: ["yourselves", S] P3: s: ["", P3s] p: ["", P3p] P3s: S: ["they", S] O: ["them", S] G: ["their", S] D: ["theirs", S] R: ["themself", S] i: ["", P3si] f: ["", P3sf] m: ["", P3sm] n: ["", P3sn] o: ["", P3so] P3si: S: ["it", S] O: ["it", S] G: ["its", S] D: ["its", S] R: ["itself", S] P3sf: S: ["she", S] O: ["her", S] G: ["her", S] D: ["hers", S] R: ["herself", S] P3sm: S: ["he", S] O: ["him", S] G: ["his", S] D: ["his", S] R: ["himself", S] P3sn: S: ["xe", S] O: ["xem", S] G: ["xyr", S] D: ["xyrs", S] R: ["xemself", S] P3so: S: ["one", S] O: ["one", S] G: ["one's", S] D: ["one's", S] R: ["oneself", S] P3p: S: ["they", S] O: ["them", S] G: ["their", S] D: ["theirs", S] R: ["themselves", S] PD: d: ["", PDd] PDd: d: ["", PDdd] p: ["", PDdp] PDdd: s: ["this", S] p: ["these", S] PDdp: s: ["that", S] p: ["those", S] PR: i: ["which", S] p: ["who", S] A: "#": ["", A.] A.: '0': ["", A0] # '1': ["", A1] A0: '1': ["red", dComp] '2': ["blue", eComp] '3': ["yellow", regComp] '4': ["green", regComp] '5': ["orange", eComp] '6': ["purple", eComp] '7': ["pink", regComp] '8': ["white", eComp] '9': ["black", regComp] 'A': ["grey", regComp] 'B': ["brown", regComp] 'C': ["tan", dComp] regComp: '-': ["", S] '>': ["er", S] ']': ["est", S] eComp: '-': ["", S] '>': ["r", S] ']': ["st", S] dComp: '-': ["", S] '>': ["%er", S] ']': ["%est", S] - - m: '(.)%' r: '\1\1' - S: s: ["s", s] G: ["'s"] s: G: ["'", S] return: S - reversed: 3 S: match: - ["aeiou", V] - ["bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz", C] V: '@': ["na", S] match: - ["bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz", C] C: '@': ["a", S] match: - ["aeiou", V] - - m: "(do|did|does) not" r: "\\1n't" - m: "(is|are|was|were) not" r: "\\1n't" - m: "(can|could) not" r: "\\1n't" - m: "(have|had|has) not" r: "\\1n't" - - m: "I am " r: "I'm " - m: "(she|he|xe|it|that|this) is " r: "\\1's " - m: "(you|they) are " r: "\\1're " - S: map: - ["a-z", "A-Z", E] return: E E: {}