module loc_stats; import std; struct counters { let histogram : []i32 {public, private mut}; let count : i32 {public, private mut}; proc add(&mut self, len) { let hist = &self.histogram; if len > hist.size { hist^ := hist.expand(len); } hist[len] += 1; self.count += 1; } // The above function is compiled into (approx) the following Substrate code // which can then be further analyzed, compiled, and/or interpreted proc add_substrate(&mut self, len) -> None { substrate { // let hist = &self.histogram; self histogram & (-> hist) // if len > hist.size { len hist size > (&[]i32 -> &[]i32) { // hist := hist.expand(len); hist^ dup move len expand := // } } ( -> ) { } rot3 if // hist[len] += 1; len [] dup move 1 + := // self.dount += 1; count dup move 1 + := } }; // But it could be written like this, which doesn't use a variable binding proc add_substrate_novar(&mut self, len) = (: self dup histogram dup { dup dup move len expand := // rot3 ::= (a b c -> b c a) } {} rot3 size len > if len [] dup move 1 + := count dup move 1 + := :); // The following code details exactly how the 'notional tuple' evolves // during the processing of the above code proc add_substrate_commented(&mut self, len) = (: self // (self) dup histogram // (self self,histogram) // abbreviating (self self.histogram) as (self s.h) (&[]i32 -> &[]i32) { // (... s.h) dup // (... s.h s.h) dup // (... s.h s.h s.h) move // (... s.h s.h _H0) len // (... s.h s.h _H0 len) expand // (... s.h s.h _H1) := // (... s.h) } // (self s.h {...}) dup2 // (self s.h {...} s.h) size // (self s.h {...} size) len // (self s.h {...} size len) (>) // (self s.h {...} _B) ( -> ) {} // (self s.h {...} _B {}) swap // (self s.h {...} {} _B) if // type check: // (... &[]i32) (&[]i32 -> &[]i32) -> (... &[]i32) // (... &[]i32) ( -> ) -> (... &[]i32) // check passed // (self s.h) len // (self s.h len) ([]) // (self s.h[l]) dup // (self s.h[l] s.h[l]) move // (self s.h[l] _L0) 1 // (self s.h[l] _L0 1) (+) // (self s.h[l] _L1) := // (self) count // (self.count) dup // (self.count self.count) move // (self.count _C0) 1 // (self.count _C0 1) (+) // (self.count _C1) := // () :); } proc count(input, mut c : counters, tab_width) -> counters { for raw_line : str = input.getline while input.good ; input.getline { let line = raw_line.strip_trailing_whitespace; let mut len = 0; for ch in line.chars { if ch == '\t' { len := len + tab_width - len % tab_width; } else { len += 1; } } c.add(len); } return c; } proc count_desugared(input, mut c : counters, tab_width) -> counters { for raw_line : str = input.getline while input.good ; input.getline { let line = raw_line.strip_trailing_whitespace; let mut len = 0; //for ch in line.chars { let _End = line.chars.end; for _V = line.chars.begin; while _V != _End ; { let ch = _V^; if ch == '\t' { len := len + tab_width - len % tab_width; } else { len += 1; } } else None; consume _End; //} c.add(len); } return c; } proc count_desugared2(input, mut c : counters, tab_width) -> counters { //for raw_line : str = input.getline while input.good ; input.getline { input.getline |> proc& _L1(raw_line : str) -> None { if input.good { let line = raw_line.strip_trailing_whitespace; let mut len = 0; // for _v = (line.chars.begin, line.chars.end) // while _v[0] != _v[1] // do (_v[0].next, _v[1]) { let _End = line.chars.end; (line.chars.begin) |> proc& _L2(_V : str::char_iterator) -> None { if _V != _End { let ch = _V^; if ch == '\t' { len := len + tab_width - len % tab_width; } else { len += 1; } return #[tail/cc] _L2(; } else { return None }; }(); consume _End; //} c.add(len); return #[tail/cc] _L1(input.getline); } else { return None }; }(); //} return c; } proc count_substrate(input, mut c : counters, tab_width) -> counters { substrate { // input.getline |> proc& _L1(raw_line : str) -> None { input.getline proc& _L1(str -> None) { // if input.good { input good { // let line = line.strip_trailing_whitespace; raw_line strip_trailing_whitespace (-> line) // let mut len = 0; 0 (-> mut len) // let _End = line.chars.end; line chars dup end (-> _End) // (line.chars.begin) |> proc& _L2(_V : str::char_iterator) -> None { begin proc& _L2(str::char_iterator -> None) { (-> _V) // if _V != _End { { // let ch = _V^; _V ^ (-> ch) // if ch == '\t' ch '\t' == { // len := len + tab_width - len % tab_width; len len tab_width + len tab_width % - := } { // len += 1; len dup move 1 + := } rot3 if // return #[tail/cc] _L2(; _V next #[tail/cc] _L2 return } { // } else { return None }; None return } _V _End == not if // }(); } swap call1 ; // consume _End; (<- _End) // c.add(len); c len add // return #[tail/cc] _L1(input.getline); input getline #[tail/cc] _L1 return // } else { return None }; } { None return } rot3 if // }(); } swap call1 ; // return c; c return }; } struct report { let data : counters {public, private mut}; let cdf : []i32 {private mut}; let average : f64 {public, private mut}; fn blanks(&self) -> i32 = self.counters.histogram[0]; fn pctile(&self, pct : f64) -> i32 { let target = * pct; let mut running_total = 0; for fr, pos in enumerate(self.cdf) { running_total := running_total + f; if running_total >= target { return pos; } } return self.cdf.size; } fn pctile_substrate(&self, pct : f64) -> i32 { let target = * pct; let mut running_total = 0; for fr, pos in enumerate(self.cdf) { running_total := running_total + f; if running_total >= target { return pos; } } return self.cdf.size; } fn median(&self) -> i32 = self.pctile(.5); fn range(&self) = cdf.size; fn new(data : counters) -> This { let cdf = data.histogram.scan((+)); let range = data.histogram.size; let total = data.count; return report{ data: consume data, cdf: consume cdf, average: total / range }; } } proc main(argv : []str, stdio) { let mut files : []str; let tab_width = proc(){ let mut tab_width = 8; let mut next_arg : ?str; for arg in argv { if next_arg == "t" { tab_width := arg.parse(i32); next_arg := None; } else if arg[0] == '-' and arg != "--" { match arg { case "-t" case "--tab-width" -> { next_arg := "t"; }, } } else { files.append(arg); } }; return tab_width; }(); let mut c : counters; for filename in files { c := count(fopen(filename), c, tab_width) ?? die("could not open file {}".format(filename)); }; let r = report::new(consume c); // TODO: display histogram //draw_graph(r); let print = stdio.out.print; print("{} files read, {} LOC total (+ {} blanks)\n".format( files.size, -[0],[0])); print("Maximum line length: {}\n".format(r.range)); print("Average line length: {}\n".format(r.average)); print("Median line length: {}\n".format(r.pctile(.5))); print("25th %ile: {}, 75th %ile: {}\n".format( r.pctile(.25), r.pctile(.75))); print("90th %ile: {}, 95th %ile: {}, 99th %ile: {}\n".format( r.pctile(.9), r.pctile(.95), r.pctile(.99))); }