

Sheet 1: Sheet1

Name Input ranges* Accumu­lator Returns Operations Default operations Compl­exity Order Compare to
inner_product 2 Arg Value A, bT plus, multiplies Unspc. Fwd. transform_reduce
adjacent_reduce 1s Arg Value A, bT
Unspc. Fwd. inner_product
transform_reduce 1 / 2 Arg Value acR, uT / bT plus, multiplies O(N)
find 1+Value
equal_to O(N) S/C
find_if, find_if_not 1
Position uP
O(N) S/C
find_first_of 2
Position bP equal_to O(S×N) S/C find_if
min_element, max_element 1 First Position bP less O(N), =(max(N-1, 0)) Fwd.
minmax_element 1 First 2 Positions bP less O(N), ≤(max(floor((3/2)*(N−1)), 0)) Fwd.
lower_bound, upper_bound 1+Value
Position bP less O(log N) + O(1)↓R; O(N) B/S
equal_range 1+Value
Range bP less O(log N) + O(1)↓R; O(N) B/S
search 2
Position bP equal_to ≤(S×N)
find_end 2
Position bP equal_to ≤(S×(N-S+1)) search
starts_with 2
bool bP equal_to N > S ? O(S) : O(1)↓R; O(min(S, N)) Fwd.
ends_with 2
bool bP equal_to N > S ? O(S) : O(1)↓R; O(min(S, N))

ranges::starts_with, ranges::ends_with 2
bool bP, uT, uTΔ equal_to, identity, identity ≤(min(S, N))

search (C++17) 1
Position Searcher
Depends on Searcher

find_match 2
Position bP equal_to O(N), O(min(N, M)) S/C
mismatch 2
Position bP equal_to O(N), O(min(N, M)) S/C find_match
adjacent_find 1s
Position bP equal_to =(min((result-first)+1, (last-first)-1)); O(N)↓∥ S/C find_match
is_sorted_until 1s
Position bP less O(N) S/C find_match
search_n 1 + Count + Value
Position bP equal_to ≤(N) adjacent_find
accumulate 1 Arg Value A plus Unspc.; O(N) Fwd.
sum 1 First Value R plus O(N) Fwd. accumulate
reduce 1 Arg Value acR plus O(N)
count 1+Value 0 size_t
equal_to #NAME? Fwd. accumulate
count_if 1 0 size_t uP
#NAME? Fwd. accumulate
binary_search 1+Value
bool bP less O(log N) + O(1)↓R; O(N) B/S
is_partitioned 1
bool uP
O(N) Fwd.
is_sorted 1
bool bP less O(N) Fwd.
is_heap 1
bool bP less O(N)
is_permutation 2
bool bP equal_to N==M ? O(N2) : O(1)↓R; O(N2)

includes 2
bool bP less O(N+M), ≤(2×(N+M-1)) Fwd.
first_result 1+Value / 2+Value Arg Value uT / bT
O(N) S/C
first_result_if 1 / 2
Value uT / bT, uP / bP
O(N) S/C
all_of, none_of 1 true bool uP
O(N) S/C first_result
any_of 1 false bool uP
O(N) S/C first_result
contains 1+Value false bool
equal_to O(N) S/C first_result
contains_any 2 false bool
contains O(S×N) S/C first_result
equal 2
bool bP equal_to N==M ? ≤(N) : O(1)↓R; ≤(N); O(N)↓∥ Fwd. first_result
lexicographical_compare 2
bool bP less ≤(2×min(N, M)) Fwd. first_result
lexicographical_compare_three_way 2
ordering CompareΔ compare_three_way <(min(N, M)) Fwd. first_result
partition_point 1
Position uP
O(log N)↓R; O(N) B/S
is_heap_until 1
Position bP less O(N)

Sheet 2: Sheet2

Name Input ranges* Accumu­lator Output ranges Operations Default operations Compl­exity Order Compare to
transform_inclusive_scan 1 First, Arg 1 aR, uT
transform_exclusive_scan 1 Arg 1 aR, uT
partial_sum 1 First 1 A plus O(N), =(N - 1) Fwd.
inclusive_scan 1 First, Arg 1 aR plus O(N)
exclusive_scan 1 Arg 1 aR plus O(N)
adjacent_difference 1s Quasi 1 fD minus O(N), =(N - 1) Fwd. adjacent_transform
adjacent_transform 1s Quasi 1 D
O(N), =(N - 1) Fwd. adjacent_difference
adjacent_inclusive_scan 1s First 1 A, D
O(N) Fwd.
transform 1 / 2
1 uT / bT
copy, copy_n 1

#NAME? Fwd. transform
copy_backward 1

#NAME? Rev.
move 1

#NAME? Fwd. shift_left
move_backward 1

#NAME? Rev. shift_right
replace_copy 1+Value Arg 1
equal_to #NAME? Fwd. transform
replace_copy_if 1 Arg 1 uP
#NAME? Fwd. transform
reverse_copy 1

#NAME? transform
rotate_copy 1d

sample 1 Arg 1

O(N) Fwd.
partial_sort_copy 1
1 bP less O(N log(min(D,N))
partition_copy 1
2 uP
#NAME? Fwd.
transform_if 1
1 uP, uT
O(N) Fwd.
copy_if, remove_copy_if 1
1 uP
O(N) Fwd. transform_if
remove_copy 1+Value
equal_to #NAME? Fwd. transform_if
unique_copy 1 First 1 bP equal_to O(N) Fwd.
set_difference, set_intersection, set_symmetric_difference, set_union 2
1 bP less O(N+M), ≤(2⋅(N+M)−1) Fwd.
merge 2
1 bP less O(N+M) Fwd.
regex_replace 2
1 Regex
See note
search_replace_copy 3
1 bP equal_to O(N×(S+R))
generate, generate_n 0
1 G
#NAME? Fwd.
iota 0 Arg 1
++ #NAME? Fwd. generate
iota 0 Arg 1 uT ++ #NAME? Fwd. generate
fill, fill_n 0 Arg 1

#NAME? Fwd. generate, generate_n
for_each, for_each_n 1
0 muT
#NAME? Fwd.
for_each, for_each_n 1 / 2
0 muT / mbT
#NAME? Fwd.
swap_ranges 2
swap O(N) Fwd. for_each
remove 1+Value
equal_to O(N) Fwd.
remove_if 1
Self uP
O(N) Fwd.
unique 1
Self bP equal_to O(N) Fwd.
replace 1+Value
equal_to #NAME? Fwd. transform
replace_if 1
Self uP
#NAME? Fwd. transform
reverse 1

O(N), =(N/2) Yes swap_ranges
rotate 1d

O(N) Yes
shift_left 1d

≤(N-n) Fwd. move
shift_right 1d

≤(N-n) Yes move_backward
shuffle 1+URBG


next_permutation, prev_permutation 1

O(N), ≤(N/2)

partition 1
Self uP
O(N); O(N log N)↓∥
stable_partition 1
Self uP
O(N) w/ memory, else O(N log N); O(N log N)↓∥
sort 1
Self bP less O(N log N)
partial_sort 1
Self bP less O(N log M)
stable_sort 1
Self bP less O(N log N) w/ memory, else O(N log(N)2)
nth_element 1
Self bP less O(N); O(N log N)↓∥
make_heap 1
Self bP less O(N), ≤(3N)

push_heap, pop_heap 1
Self bP less O(log N)

sort_heap 1
Self bP less O(N log N)

inplace_merge 1d
Self bP less =(N-1) w/ memory, O(N log N); O(N log N)↓∥