#ifndef STRINGS_H_INCLUDED #define STRINGS_H_INCLUDED #include #include // Command-line help // clang-format off inline char HelpStr[] = "USAGE: sequences [(options|scripted-command) [...]] \n" "OPTIONS: \n" " -q Quiet mode; do not print prompts (overrides -v) \n" " -v Verbose mode; simulate user input for scripted commands \n" " -c Continue; switch to interactive mode after evaluating scripted\n" "commands \n" " -h Help; print this message and exit \n" " See \"h\" command for help with command syntax \n" "Each argument may be either a command or a series of options. All \n" "options are guaranteed to be processed before scripted commands are \n" "interpreted, and all commands are run in order. \n" " -t Print timing info \n"; // clang-format on // Interactive main help inline std::vector iHelpStr = { {"Commands are as follows: (Abbreviate to capital letters) " " \n"}, {"Echo (string...), eXecute (command (args...)), Probe trie (command), " "Help \n"}, {" (command), Quit, Map (filename, xmin, ymin, width) " " \n"}, {"Input is accepted as \"e test test2\", \"M out.png -100 -10 25 256\", or " "\"q\"\n"}, }; #endif // STRINGS_H_INCLUDED